Friday, July 25, 2008

What am I doing.

I'm not entirely sure what compelled me to start yet another blog. It's an epidemic that has flaired up a few times a year over the last 3 years. I always start it, totally gung-ho, and 2 days later I'm over it. Let me just say, I've blogged enough from ages 12-16 to last a lifetime. I blogged when no one outside the online realm knew what "blog" was. I was apart of the early underground teenage bloggers, in the time of Greymatter, when we designed our own layouts, tracked our comments like fiends, and spent hours upon hours marketing our websites to other fellow underground teenage bloggers. So I've been there.

1 comment:

Sushrut Padhye said...

Hey Becca, it was fun reading your posts. I thoroughly enjoyed all your blog posts. However, I didn't get the meaning of the title of your blog. What does 'the world is my burrito' mean?